Diabetic Parents

By Allison Cherono & Affiah Basajjangabo

Hello Universe. We are by names of Allison Cherono Aryahebwa and Afiah Basajjangabo. We are in primary six and we are at a lovely school called Grand Maria International School. We are 11 years old . 

What  Is Diabetes

When we eat food containing carbohydrates e.g maize, cassava, bread e.t.c., the body converts it into glucose. The body needs glucose to get energy to work. However, excess glucose in the blood damages our organs like eyes, heart, kidneys, and so on. Therefore the body controls the level of glucose in the blood. When the body fails to control the level of glucose we get organ damage and become sick. This is a condition called diabetes.

Causes Of Diabetes

In the body there is an organ called the pancreas. This is the organ that produces a substance called insulin. Insulin controls the level of glucose in the body. When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to control the glucose we get diabetes.

Diabetes can also be caused by poor lifestyle habbits like lack of exercise and obesity

Caring  For Diabetic Parents

Caring for diabetic parents  can be a supportive journey  that needs, patience and understanding to their well beings and try your best to do exercise with your diabetic parents

Tips For Caring For Diabetic Parents

Educate Yourself 

Learn as much as you can about diabetes , including how it affects the body, common symptoms , treatment options. Understanding your parents condition will help you provide better care and support 

Encourage Healthy Habits 

Help your parent maintain a healthy lifestyle by encouraging regular exercise, balanced meals, and monitoring their blood sugar levels. Offer to exercise together, cook nutritious meals, and provide emotional support during any dietary changes.

Monitor Medications

Make sure your parent takes their medications as prescribed and follows their treatment plan. Help  them keep track of their medications, schedule regular check-ups with their healthcare provider, and be proactive about  any changes in their condition.

Creative A Supportive Environment 

Make your home diabetes - friendly by keeping healthy snacks on hand ,organizing medical supplies, and creating a safe place for physical activity. consider making lifestyle changes as a family to support your parents health goals.

Stay Informed

Stay-update on new developments in diabetes care and treatment options. Attend support groups workshops , or educational events to connect with other caregivers and learn from their experiences.

Be Patient and Compassionate

Living with diabetes can be challenging, and your parents may experience frustration, fear , or anxiety at times. Be patient, listen to their concerns, and offer reassurance and encouragement.

Promote Stress Management

Stress can affect blood sugar levels, so help your parent manage stress through relaxation techniques, hobbies, and social activities. Encourage open communication and provide emotional support during challenges times. Help with house chores before they have to they have to yell at you.

Researched and Presented By

Allison Cherono and Affiah Basajjangabo
Primary Six
GMS Schoo, Nabbingo

Allison Cherono
Primary Six
Grand Maria School, Nabbingo
Affiah Basajjangabo
Primary Six
Grand Maria School, Nabbingo

What Our Teachers Say

Thank you team for showing understanding and applying programming concepts. Your enthusiasm for exploring new technologies and
programming techniques has impressed.


Lado Denis

Class Teacher. P.6

Your research on the topic is thorough and well presented. I appreciate the depth of information provided


Murshid Nsereko

ICT, Program Coordinator


Your website is a great way to raise awareness and educate others about diabetes. It's a fantastic resource! I have learnt so much about diabetes and how it affects our daily life. Thank you for sharing your tips. I rate it with 5 stars.


Bakule Benton

GMS, Primary Six

This article can help to control diabetes. Good job.


Kalanzi Mansoor

GMS, Primary Six

Hello there, I am Namuli Zoe Naomi. I know what it's like to have a diabetic patient. My grandmother is diabetic and one of the things I have learned is that she has to take her medicine regularly and eat a diet full of greens. I have learnt more about it from your report and now I can help her more.

Namuli Zoe

Namuli Zoe

GMS, Primary Six

Wow! I am impressed by your work. It is good of you to show how bad diabetes is. Wow! You even put the causes! Too much glucose is bad.


Ntege Raymond

GMS, Primary Six

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